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Would you like to learn more about ways you can serve at FREE?  Reach out to Lauren, our Community Engagement Coordinator, at  Lauren will help get you started in the volunteer process with us.  We look forward to hearing from you!


We take prayer very seriously at FREE!  We pray before team meetings, before board meetings, and we even have an intercessory prayer team always praying for us, our organization and the women we serve.  Oswald Chambers says, “Prayer does not equip us for greater works— prayer is the greater work.”  We agree!

Prayer and Outreach walks have been put on hold for a time in order to seek the LORD and pray within Refuge Home.  We are praying for the women who will be welcomed into Refuge Home. We are praying that every individual who enters Refuge Home would experience the healing and restoration available to them. We pray that we would see human trafficking and all forms of Commercial Sexual Exploitation end in our city and around the world.  For more information about how you and your church can join us in prayer, contact Lauren, our Community Engagement Coordinator, at

Refuge Home

Refuge Home is the first home of its kind in Berks County, Pennsylvania, where we serve on a local and national level. Our home is for adult women, ages 18-28, who are either a victim or survivor of domestic sex trafficking and sexual exploitation. Our program provides holistic, therapeutic and restorative care, which includes: emotional (trauma-informed) and physical care, legal guidance and advocacy, job training, along with basic life skills, focus groups and daily academic requirements to help our residents meet specific milestones, such as obtaining a GED.

Our residents receive comprehensive case management. Our program is designed to meet the complex needs of women recovering from the trauma of Commercial Sexual Exploitation. 

Refuge Home has a four phase program. 

The four phases in Refuge Home are: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior. The first 90 days, the Freshman phase, is a time of stabilization. Each phase has different milestones residents are required to meet. Our desire is for every resident to remain in Refuge Home for the full 18 months and be equipped and ready to live independent and successful lives. Refuge Home can house up to 6 women at a time.

Your partnership with us in opening Refuge Home is priceless!  It takes everyone working together to bring justice to the enslaved. For more information about Refuge Home, you can contact Andrea McHenry, Executive Director, at

Community Awareness

We believe awareness is key to ending human trafficking and sexual exploitation.  We believe once we know, we must act!  Since 2010, FREE has been educating our communities in Berks County about human trafficking.  We will always be committed to educating, equipping and empowering people to take action against human trafficking and sexual exploitation!

If you would like us to visit your church, business, group, organization or school for our Human Trafficking 101 Presentation or Youth Prevention Education, please go to our “Speaking Request” page and fill out and submit the form and someone will get back to you shortly

Check out our Resources page for more information

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