
Barb Mathews

I am a survivor of a form of sex trafficking (familial trafficking) and have been through many years of healing.   After being introduced to Jesus as a young teen, I started to ‘”chase the light”, looking for goodness, peace, comfort, and authentic love in every area of my life.  I’ve learned that God is the only one who can turn my “rough places into level ground”  and every day I’m learning more and more about His deep love for me.
I served as a missionary in Ghana, West Africa for 16 years with my husband and five children.  In 2018, I found myself back in the States, separated from my husband, and begging God to show me what my next “mission” was.  In His kindness, He brought me through some years of healing while I substitute taught in the local schools.   In 2021, I was introduced to an organization that fights child trafficking and worked as an administrative assistant with them for 2 years. During that time, I learned about FREE and the new home they are opening for sex trafficking survivors.  I’m excited now to work directly with other survivors at the Refuge Home to help them in their own healing journeys. This feels redeeming to my own story.  

God says, ‘I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know, in paths that they have not known I will guide them.  I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground.  These are the things I do, and I do not forsake them.”

Isaiah 42:16