
Alexis Griffith

When I was 12 years old I was led to the Lord by my father while sitting in the front seat of my grandmother’s car. I got baptized soon after and went on a mission trip to Venezuela a few years after that. During that trip I served people by feeding them, providing medical care, helping to build a church, telling them about Jesus and watching people with little hope become believers in Christ. I went on to attend the youth group at my church for several years after participating in many service projects.
Several years after marriage and 2 kids I lost touch with Jesus and began down a very dark path of addiction which lasted several years. Trading one substance for another looking for a way out. During my time in the trenches, I witnessed things I wish I never even knew existed. I’ve seen woman get beat and raped, trading their bodies for drugs and forced to have sex for someone else’s profit. These things are just the tip of the iceberg.
God had a different plan. Praise the Lord because He didn’t forget the 12 year old girl that gave her life to Him all those years ago. He rescued me from that life and gave me sobriety. God forgave me and made me whole again through Christ Jesus. Today, there is a special place in my heart for those women still in the trenches, and God has provided a way for me to be able to serve them.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future..” Jeremiah 29:11